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We provide the full range of emergency management services to better prepare you for today's environment.

Comprehensive Emergency Management Planning


Comprehensive emergency management identifies the responsibility and capability for managing all types of emergencies. It includes all four phases of disaster or emergency activity: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. It applies to all risks: man-made, technological and natural.


We focus on the POETE model, having a trained and equipped organization that has exercised the response plans to mitigate those hazards identified in the Hazard Vulnerability and Risk Assessment.

Response Plans


Emergency response plans form the basis for preparedness and we have experience in developing plans for the full range of hazards you may face, be they natural, technological or man-made.

Continuity of Operations Plans


COOP planning is a good business practice that ensures the continued performance of critical business functions during a wide range of potential emergencies and business interruptions. We ll look at your organization’s essential business functions, communications, vital records and alternate work locations.

Hazard Vulnerability and
Risk Assessment


Hazard vulnerability analysis (HVA) and risk assessment are systematic approaches to identifying hazards or risks that are most likely to have an impact on your organization, business or locality. Working with your staff, we can assess the probability and human, facility and organizational impacts as well as your preparedness to meet these challenges.


This process allows us to develop a training and exercise program for your organization.

Comprehensive Exercise Program


We can develop a full range of drills, tabletop and full-scale exercises to suit you needs. All exercises are evaluated and documented in an after action report with an improvement program. From small fire drills to active shooting to large scale exercises of 800 people, we've done it!

Special Event Planning


Our team has expertise in Special Events Planning that your organization might experience from commencements, parades, marathon races and world championship celebrations. We have seen and done it all!

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